Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Blast from the 80's

Dallas Robert's hair school had a fashion show last thursday. They asked my fashion team to do a routine as a filler in the show. We had the big hair and the major amounts of makeup. It was a lot of fun though. Of course being the girls that we are we took about 200 pictures. Here are some of the 200:

of course i had to have some fun with my look afterwards.
me and kristee again.
me and whit.

me kylee and karlie!!
urban outfitters.

Whit and me getting some food.
Kristie and me. 

getting ready.

okay so these weren't from the fashion show but i thought maybe you would like to see how i looked exactly one week after I got my wisdom teeth out. My cheeks were huge. Cross that- ONE cheek is huge, the other is just big.

With Love:

1 comment:

Ty and Meg said...

Love all the pics. You shoulda been born in the 80's you look great!!